End porn use together.

Be accountable online.

Join 9,564 others go porn free and achieve greatness.

Android -  Stable release

PC - Stable release

Don't see your platform here? Let us know.

Your online activity is reported to your trusted buddy.

Buddies review reports with the forever-free real-time Buddy Dashboard here.

“Limited” access buddy

“Full” access buddy

This is what a buddy with limited access sees. Only suspicious items. Your privacy is preserved.

This is what a buddy with full access sees. Everything.

Features to help you stay accountable.

Links monitoring

On-screen text monitoring

Daily accountability reports

Your web browsing history is reported to your buddy, including incognito.

Keywords that appear on your screen is scanned for suspicious content.

Your buddy(s) get a daily report. Suspicious content is called out.

Real-time alerts

Sensitivity levels

Buddy roles

Your buddy is notified whenever something suspicious is detected.

Everyone is on a unique journey.

Select from 3 different sensitivity levels

Preserve privacy. "Limited" role buddy(s) see only suspicious entries.

Automatic streak counter

Streak automatically resets when a suspicious link is visited.

3-day risk-free trial, no credit card required.

One subscription covers all your supported devices. We make it simple and straightforward.


per month


per year

Create an account with the Android app. Login to that same account on all your devices, no extra fee necessary! Once subscribed, payments automatically renew until canceled by the user.

THRIVE! Be the best version of YOU.

Need help? Email us at support@familyfirsttechnology.com.

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